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Lower your Carbon Footprint with an Energy-Efficient Home

If you’re looking to purchase a new home, there are many advantages to buying a home that has  energy efficient features. These may be homes in a new housing development, a modular or manufactured home, or an existing home that was upgraded by the current owner. Energy features can include any of the following: solar…

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Start planning now to buy a home in 2020

A New Year’s resolution that’s definitely worth keeping is to get ready to buy your first home in 2020. The most important thing you can do is begin organizing your financial paperwork. Mortgage lenders will ask you for a long list of verification documents to prove your income, savings, and your personal debt. The more…

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The many benefits of buying a manufactured home

Twenty-two million people in America live in manufactured homes. According to the Manufactured Housing Institute’s 2018 Manufactured Housing Facts, such properties now represent about 10% of new home construction, with an average sales price of $70,600. The median household income of homebuyers is $30,000. The Institute states that–for the same size home–the cost is about half…

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What is non-traditional credit?

Non-traditional credit is a category of documentation that supplements, or sometimes replaces, the need for a consumer credit report. Non-traditional credit procedures are used for people who have no credit score or minimal credit history. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now accept loans from borrowers with no credit score, and this rule applies to conventional,…

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Free Information for Readers

Thank you for visiting the Housing Finance 2020 blog! I have been receiving a number of requests from readers, asking about where they can find grant money and financing assistance.  I am happy to send you free information, but need to know what state you live in, and the name of a major city close…

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